Solve menu errors that don't display properly on WordPress with these simple solutions. Find out how to modify the theme, troubleshoot the plugin and fix the .htaccess file to get your menu display back to normal.

Solve menu errors that don't display correctly on WordPress

One of the most common problems with WordPress is menus that don't display properly. It can happen that certain menus don't display or don't look the way you want them to. Fortunately, there are a number of quick and easy solutions to correct these problems.

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1. Check theme settings

When you encounter problems with the menu not displaying correctly on WordPress, the first thing to do is check the theme settings. If you're using a free or paid theme, the theme may not be configured correctly to display the menu. You may need to modify the theme settings to display the menu correctly. You can also try using another theme to see if the menu displays correctly.

2. Check plugins

Plugins can sometimes interfere with the menu and prevent it from working properly.WordPress Troubleshooting WordPress Menu Errors correct display. In this case, you'll need to deactivate all plugins and check whether the menu is displayed correctly. If this is the case, you can reactivate the plugins one by one until you find the plugin that is interfering with the menu. Once you've found the plugin responsible, you can deactivate or update it to solve the problem.

3. Check CSS files

CSS files can also be the cause of menu problems. You can check the CSS files to ensure that they are correctly configured and do not interfere with the menu display. You can also try disabling the CSS files to see if this solves the problem. If it does, you can then search for the CSS files that may be causing the problem and correct them.

4. Clean cover

The cache can sometimes be the cause of menu problems. If you've tried the above solutions and the problem persists, you may need to clear the cache. You can do this by deleting your browser's cache, or by using a cache plugin such as WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache. Once the cache has been cleared, you should be able to view the menu correctly.

5. Check for PHP errors

If you're still having problems with the menu not displaying correctly, you may need to check for PHP errors. You can do this by checking your server's log files to see if any PHP errors are being logged. If you find any errors, you may need to correct them to resolve the problem. You can also contact your hosting provider for help.


If you're having problems with the menu not displaying correctly on WordPress, you may need to check your theme settings, plugins, CSS files, cache and PHP errors. Once you've found the cause of the problem, you can then fix it and the menu should display correctly. In addition, to avoid spam problems on WordPress comments, you can use tools such as Akismet to filter out unwanted comments.

Solutions for menu errors that don't display correctly on WordPress

  • Check your WordPress theme file to see if your HTML and CSS code are correctly structured.
  • Check the theme you're using, to make sure it's up to date and compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
  • Use a menu plugin to easily create and customize menus that match your theme.
  • Try to find a solution on the WordPress support forum.
  • Consult your theme developer's website for instructions on how to resolve the problem.
  • Use a plug-in to test your theme for HTML and CSS errors.
  • Try to find another theme that works well with your version of WordPress.
  • Use your browser's built-in code inspector to find malformed tags that can cause layout errors.
  • Check your server configuration to make sure it's compatible with your WordPress version.
  • Try updating your WordPress version to resolve any bugs.
  • Reset your browser by deleting cookies and temporary files.