Having trouble with the "Highlighted Image" error on WordPress? Learn how to fix it with our step-by-step guide. Discover tips and tricks to solve this problem quickly and easily. Don't waste any more time, find the solution!

Resolve the Highlighted Image error in WordPress

When you're creating a website with WordPress, you may occasionally come across errors. The Highlighted Image error is a common one and can be easily corrected. This guide will show you how to correct this error and restore your WordPress website to normal operation.

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What is the "Highlighted Image" error on WordPress?

The "Highlighted Image" error on WordPress is a problem that occurs when images on a website are displayed incorrectly. Images may be highlighted, blurred or even missing. This can be very frustrating for visitors and can detract from the overall quality and experience of the website. Fortunately, there are simple ways to correct this problem.

How to fix the "Highlighted image" error on WordPress?

The first step in fixing the "Highlighted image" error on WordPress is to check that the image is correctly chaWordPress tutorials WordPress error resolutionand displayed on the site. If the image is not loaded correctly, you may need to retry loading the image from the server or the media library. Once you've checked that the image is loaded correctly, you can proceed to the next step.

The second step is to check whether the Web browser you're using is up to date. If not, you may need to update your browser to correct the error. You can also try switching browsers to see if this solves the problem. If you still can't correct the error, you may need to contact a web developer for help.

Another possible solution is to optimize the image so that it displays correctly. You can do this using an image optimization tool such as Optimizilla or JPEGmini. These tools can help you compress the image without losing quality, which can solve the problem of the highlighted image.

Finally, you can try temporarily disabling certain WordPress plugins or extensions that may be interfering with image display. If you find that one of these plugins is causing the problem, you may need to deactivate or update it.


The "Highlighted Image" error on WordPress can be very frustrating, but fortunately there are simple ways to correct it. You can check whether the image is loading correctly, update your web browser, optimize the image and temporarily disable certain plugins. If you follow these steps, you should be able to correct the error and enjoy your website's images again.

Guide to correcting the error

How to fix the "Highlighted image" error on WordPress

  • Check image file type - WordPress only supports JPEG, PNG and GIF file types. If your image is of any other type, you'll need to convert it to a supported format.
  • Make sure image size is appropriate - Images that are too large can cause this error. You should check the resolution and size of the image before importing it into WordPress.
  • Check image settings - In the image parameters, make sure that the height and width are set correctly. Incorrect settings may cause the image to be highlighted.
  • Check image quality - Make sure the image is of good quality. A pixilated image may cause the image to be highlighted.
  • Use an image-optimized plug-in - Use a specific plug-in to optimize images on your website and reduce unwanted effects such as image highlighting.
  • Try compressing the image - You can try using an image compression tool to reduce image size without compromising quality.
  • Resize image - You can also try resizing the image to fit the size required by WordPress. This should solve most of the problems associated with the highlighted image.
  • Clear browser cache - You should also try clearing your browser's cache. This may solve the problem of the highlighted image.
  • Deactivate/reactivate plugins - Deactivate and reactivate plugins that could have an impact on images, such as image optimization plugins.
  • Remove and reinstall image - Finally, if none of these solutions work, you can try deleting and reinstalling the image. This may solve the problem.