404 Error on WordPress: Complete Guide

Are you looking for a complete guide to easily fix 404 error on your WordPress site? Look no further, you've come to the right address! In this guide, we will tell you how to identify and fix 404 error on WordPress. We will also discuss possible causes and best practices to avoid this error and keep your site in good shape.

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What is 404 error on WordPress?

The 404 error on WordPress is a common error that occurs when a user tries to access a page that does not exist or has been deleted. This could be due to a bad link, a misspelled URL, or a page that has been moved or deleted. When this error occurs, an error message appears on the screen stating that the requested page could not be found.

How to fix 404 error on WordPress?

There are several ways to fix 404 error on WordPress. The first is to check the link andComplete Guide to Fix 404 Error on WordPress to make sure it is spelled correctly. You can also check if the page has been moved or deleted and edit the link accordingly. If you can't find the page, you can create a new page and redirect the link to it. You can also use the Redirection plugin to manage redirects from old pages to new ones. Finally, you can create a custom 404 page to inform visitors that the requested page does not exist and offer them other options.

How to prevent 404 error on WordPress?

The best way to prevent 404 error on WordPress is to always check your links and make sure they are spelled correctly. You should also check your pages regularly to make sure they are up to date and working properly. If you move or delete a page, you will also need to update any links that point to that page. You can also use the Redirection plugin to manage redirects from old pages to new ones. Finally, you can create a custom 404 page to inform visitors that the requested page does not exist and offer them other options.


The 404 error on WordPress is a common error that can be easily fixed by checking the link and editing it if necessary. You can also use the Redirection plugin to manage redirects from old pages to new ones. Finally, you can create a custom 404 page to inform visitors that the requested page does not exist and offer them other options. To learn more about resolving internal 500 errors in WordPress, please visit this guide.

Complete Guide to Fix 404 Error on WordPress

Complete Guide to Fix 404 Error on WordPress

1. Check the URLs of the wrong page

  • Check that the URL is entered correctly.
  • Check that the URL does not contain an uppercase letter or a special character.
  • Check that the URL does not include unnecessary keywords or accents.
  • Check that the URL is consistent with your website's URL format.

2. Reset permalinks on WordPress

  • Go to Settings > Permalinks.
  • Select the “Custom Structure” option.
  • Enter the desired URL format then save the changes.
  • Then reload the site to see if the error has been fixed.

3. Checking web server settings

  • Access the .htaccess file on your web server and check for errors.
  • Verify that your web server is configured to accept .htaccess files.
  • Make sure URL rewriting settings are enabled on your web server.
  • If you use a Firewall, make sure that it does not prevent access to .htaccess files.

4. Checking WordPress Plugins

  • If you are using a redirect plugin, verify that redirects are configured correctly.
  • Disable plugins that could interfere with the proper functioning of the site.
  • Remove any outdated or unused plugins.
  • Make sure all your plugins are up to date.

5. Checking WordPress Theme Files

  • Check that the installed theme is compatible with the version of WordPress you are using.
  • Make sure the theme is up to date and doesn't have outdated code.
  • Check that the theme does not interfere with the proper functioning of the site.
  • Make sure the theme has all the necessary files (index.php, header.php, etc.).