This guide will show you how to resolve the "Too many database requests" error on WordPress. Learn how to identify the source of the problem and find simple solutions to get your site up and running again. Find out how to deal with this error and maintain your site.


When you're faced with the "Too many database requests" error on WordPress, it can be very frustrating. Fortunately, there are simple ways to correct this problem and get your website up and running again. In this guide, we'll take a look at the various possible solutions for resolving the "Too many database requests" error on WordPress.

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What is the "Too many database requests" error on WordPress?

The "Too many database requests" error is a common error message on WordPress. This error message occurs when the web server cannot handle the number of SQL queries sent by the website. SQL queries are instructions sent to the web server asking it to retrieve information from the database. If the Web server cannot process the number of SQL requests sent, it will return this error.

This error is usually WordPress technologies WordPress error management nt caused by poorly coded plugins or themes that send too many SQL requests to the web server. It's also possible that the problem is caused by misconfiguration of the web server, which can lead to longer loading times and errors. In some cases, the error may also be caused by incorrect database configuration.

How to resolve the "Too many database requests" error on WordPress?

The first step in resolving the "Too many database requests" error on WordPress is to check the plugins and themes installed on the site. You need to make sure that all plugins and themes are up to date and working properly. If you find that certain plugins or themes are causing the problem, you'll need to deactivate or remove them.

You'll also need to check the web server and database configuration. If you find that the configuration is incorrect, you'll need to change it to correct the problem. You might also consider using a caching plugin such as WP Super Cache to improve your website's performance and reduce the number of database queries.


The "Too many database requests" error is a common error message on WordPress. This error is usually caused by poorly coded plugins or themes sending too many SQL requests to the web server. To solve this problem, you need to check the plugins and themes installed on the site and make sure they're up to date and working properly. You should also check the Web server and database configuration. If you find that the configuration is incorrect, you'll need to modify it to correct the problem. Finally, you may want to consider using a caching plugin such as WP Super Cache to improve your website's performance and reduce the number of database queries. To find out more about resolving archive page loading errors on WordPress, you can visit this article.

Troubleshooting guide

Guide to resolving the "Too many database requests" error on WordPress

Optimize database queries

  • Delete unused plugins and themes.
  • Check if a plugin or theme is up to date.
  • Remove obsolete widgets and content.
  • Enable caches (such as page cache and request cache)

Increase memory allocation

  • Adding directives to wp-config.php
  • Edit php.ini to adjust memory allocation.
  • Contact your host to check whether the memory limit can be increased.

Create a backup

  • Create a database backup on PHPMyAdmin.
  • Save the site using plugins such as UpdraftPlus.
  • Save the wp-content folder.