Learn how to solve pagination problems on WordPress. Discover how to set up pagination, define the number of posts per page and resolve common pagination errors. Follow our easy steps to achieve optimal pagination on your WordPress site.

How to solve pagination problems on WordPress

Pagination problems can be very frustrating for WordPress users and developers. When a web page doesn't load properly or a page doesn't update, this can lead to access and navigation difficulties. Fortunately, there are several ways to solve pagination problems on WordPress.

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What is pagination on WordPress?

Pagination on WordPress is a feature that allows users to navigate between different pages on a website. It is generally used to display multiple posts on a page, thereby enhancing the user experience. Pagination can be implemented using plugins or custom code. It can also be integrated into WordPress themes.

Why does pagination on WordPress cause problems?

Pagination on WordPress can cause problems if it's not configured correctly. For example, if the number of pages is too large, this can lead toWordPress Pagination WordPress Troubleshooting longer loading times and a poor user experience. In addition, poorly written code or syntax errors can lead to errors and bugs. Finally, if the theme used doesn't support pagination, this can also lead to problems.

How to solve pagination problems on WordPress?

There are several ways to solve pagination problems on WordPress. The first thing to do is to check the code and correct any syntax errors. If the code is correct, you may need to modify it to make it work properly. You can also check whether the theme you're using supports pagination, and if it doesn't, you may need to modify it or choose another one. Finally, you can also use a plugin to add pagination to your website.

Using a plugin to solve pagination problems on WordPress

A plugin is a quick and easy way to solve pagination problems on WordPress. There are many plugins available that can add pagination to your website and solve pagination problems. Some plugins offer additional features such as the ability to customize pagination style and behavior. You can also use a plugin to add previous and next links to your articles, enhancing the user experience.

Using custom code to solve pagination problems on WordPress

If you're an experienced developer, you can also use custom code to solve pagination problems on WordPress. You may need to modify existing code to make it compatible with your theme and website. You'll also need to ensure that the code is well written and contains no syntax errors. You can find tutorials and sample code on the Internet to help you solve pagination problems on WordPress.


Pagination on WordPress can be a very useful tool for enhancing the user experience. However, it can also cause problems if not configured correctly. Fortunately, there are several ways to resolve pagination issues on WordPress, including using a plugin or custom code. To find out more, visit this guide to resolving the "page update button not working" error.

How to solve pagination problems on WordPress

Ways to troubleshoot pagination problems on WordPress

  • Use a WordPress pagination plugin such as WP-PageNavi or WP-Paginate.
  • Remove pagination by adding the following CSS code to your theme: nav.pagination { display:none; }
  • Try changing the pagination settings in your theme's functions.php file.
  • Switch to a WordPress theme that offers better pagination management.
  • Add a breadcrumb trail to your site to improve user navigation.
  • Limit the number of results displayed per page by modifying the number of publications per page in the "Reading" area of the WordPress general settings.
  • Create a custom function to display pagination on your site.