Find out how to easily fix contact form problems that don't display. Learn how to identify and correct errors, and check that your form is correctly configured and working properly.

How to fix contact form problems that don't display?

A contact form is an important feature for any website, enabling a visitor to communicate quickly and easily with the site owner. Unfortunately, contact forms sometimes fail to display correctly, which can lead to problems for users. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to resolve these problems so that your contact form can work properly again.

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Check for coding errors

One of the most common problems that can prevent a contact form from displaying is a coding error. If you've written the code yourself, check that you haven't made any mistakes. Also check that the code is compatible with the browser you're using to display the form. If you're using a plugin to create your form, make sure it's up to date and compatible with your version of WordPress. If you find any coding errors, you can correct them by modifying the code or updating the form.Web forms Forms troubleshooting.or the plugin.

Check server settings

If your site is hosted on a shared server, the server may not be configured correctly to display the form. Check the server settings and make sure they are correctly configured to display the form. For example, some servers require you to enable support for PHP scripts in order to display the form. If you don't know how to configure your server, contact your web host and ask them to help you.

Check plugins and themes

If you're using third-party plugins or themes, they may interfere with the form and prevent it from displaying. Deactivate all non-essential plugins and themes and check whether the form is displayed. If it does, you'll need to find the interfering plugin or theme and deactivate it. You can also try updating the plugin or theme to see if it solves the problem.

Check configuration files

If you have modified configuration files on your site, these changes may interfere with the form and prevent it from being displayed. Check the configuration files and make sure they are correctly configured to display the form. If you don't know how to modify these files, you can consult our guide to fixing the "Error writing file to disk" error on WordPress.

Check file permissions

If the form doesn't appear, check the file permissions on your server. Files must have the correct permissions to be read and written by the web server. If permissions are incorrect, the form will not be displayed. You can change file permissions via your FTP client or webhosting control panel. Make sure that files have the correct permissions to be read and written by the web server.


If your contact form doesn't display, there may be a problem with the code, server, plugins, themes, configuration files or file permissions. Check each of these elements and make sure they are correctly configured to display the form. If you're not sure how to proceed, contact your web host and ask them to help you.

How to fix contact form problems that don't display

1. Check that the contact form URL is correct and that there are no typos.
2. Make sure that the form has been correctly uploaded to your server.
3. Check that the HTML code is well structured and that all the necessary tags are present.
4. Check that the form is compatible with your browser.
5. Check that the CSS code associated with the form is correct and uncorrupted.
6. Clear your browser's cache and cookies and refresh the form page.
7. Test the form on different browsers to see how it works.
8. Check that the javascript code associated with the form is correct.
9. Use the code inspection tools to find any errors.
10. Temporarily deactivate your plugins and extensions and try the form again.
11. Check that the information entered in the form is correct and consistent.
12. Send test mails from the form to check its operation.